28/01/2021 0 Comments
Update 46: Roadmap-Release
We can almost tear off the first calendar page of the new year - a calendar page on which many meetings were entered for the entire leadhub team. Over the past few weeks, we have defined our roadmap for the first half of 2021. This has turned into a wide-ranging plan that will move leadhub forward in the coming months. For our developers, this means many sprints of work.
Many innovations require more time than the two-week cycle in which we regularly update leadhub, then marathon forces are required! This is also true for the new and further developments that our team is currently working on. In parallel, of course, we make sure that your daily work with leadhub runs smoothly and iron out the one or other bug.
Turn off notifications: Status is now displayed
New since last release is the possibility to turn off alerts and reports for individual licenses, even if notifications are configured for the corresponding product in the message center. Since this week, you can see the field "Turn off notifications" in the Products tab under the details of the individual licenses. It shows you the corresponding status. Important: You cannot change the status at this point. Whether or not notifications may be sent for a license must already be set when creating the product. Please contact our support for this.
Tip: leadhub can send various reports and alerts via the message center, which contain detailed information about the success of your products. The prerequisite for this is that the corresponding templates are stored in the database. Which notifications can currently be sent and how to set them up can be found in the detailed article Reporting & Alerts in our knowledge base. As always, our support team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.